Yalta Agreement Text

The Yalta Agreement Text: Understanding Its Significance

The Yalta Conference was a pivotal moment in world history. In February 1945, leaders from the United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain met in the Yalta region of Crimea to discuss the post-war landscape of Europe and Asia. The negotiations resulted in the Yalta Agreement, which laid out the framework for the post-war geopolitical order. In this article, we will delve into the Yalta Agreement text and explore its significance.


The Yalta Conference was attended by three key leaders – President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. The conference took place from February 4 to 11, 1945 and was held in the Livadia Palace, located in the Yalta region of Crimea. The talks were aimed at determining the future of Europe and Asia after the Second World War.

Yalta Agreement Text

The Yalta Agreement, also known as the Crimea Declaration, was signed on February 11, 1945. The document contained a series of provisions that covered a wide range of topics, including the division of Germany, the role of the United Nations in maintaining peace, and the post-war status of various territories.

One of the key provisions of the agreement was the partition of Germany into four zones of occupation. The United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union were each assigned a zone, and they were tasked with administering their respective zones until the establishment of a new German government.

The Yalta Agreement also established the principles of the United Nations, which was to be an international organization tasked with maintaining world peace. The document outlined the structure of the United Nations and the role of its various bodies, including the General Assembly and the Security Council.

Another significant provision of the Yalta Agreement was the recognition of the Soviet Union`s territorial gains in Eastern Europe. The document acknowledged the Soviet Union`s right to establish governments in Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, among other countries. However, the agreement also included provisions for free and fair elections in these countries, ensuring that they would have a say in their future governments.


The Yalta Agreement was a significant moment in world history, as it established the framework for the post-war order. It laid the foundation for the division of Germany and the eventual establishment of two opposing blocs – the Western Allies and the Soviet Union – which would dominate the political landscape for the next several decades.

The document also set the stage for the formation of the United Nations, which would become a crucial player in global affairs. The principles established in the Yalta Agreement, including the importance of international cooperation and the peaceful resolution of disputes, continue to guide the work of the United Nations to this day.


The Yalta Agreement was a landmark moment in world history, and its text continues to be studied and analyzed by scholars and historians to this day. While some have criticized certain aspects of the agreement, such as the recognition of Soviet territorial gains, it remains an important document that helped shape the post-war world. As we continue to navigate through an increasingly complex global landscape, an understanding of the Yalta Agreement and its significance remains essential.

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